Air Handling Units (AHUs)


At Imperial Green Systems, we specialise in providing high-quality Air Handling Units (AHUs) tailored to meet the unique needs of commercial kitchens and other business environments. Our comprehensive services include design, installation, and maintenance, ensuring optimal air quality, energy efficiency, and comfort for your workspace.

Our AHU Services

Design Services Our custom design services ensure that your AHU system is tailored to the specific requirements of your commercial space:

  • Initial Consultation: We start with a detailed consultation to understand your needs and assess the space.
  • Custom Solutions: Our team designs bespoke AHU systems that optimise airflow, temperature control, and energy efficiency.
  • Advanced Modelling: We use advanced modelling software to create precise designs, allowing you to visualise the system before installation.
  • Compliance Assurance: Our designs adhere to all relevant regulations and standards, ensuring your system meets legal and safety requirements.

Installation Services Professional installation is crucial for the performance and reliability of your AHU system:

  • Expert Technicians: Our experienced technicians handle all aspects of the installation process, ensuring your system is set up correctly and efficiently.
  • High-Quality Components: We use only the highest quality components from leading manufacturers to ensure durability and performance.
  • Minimal Disruption: Our team works efficiently to minimise disruption to your operations during the installation process.
  • Safety First: We adhere to strict safety protocols throughout the installation to ensure a secure and safe environment.

Maintenance Services Regular maintenance is essential to keep your AHU system operating at peak efficiency:

  • Scheduled Maintenance: We offer routine maintenance services to keep your AHU system in top condition, preventing issues before they arise.
  • Thorough Inspections: Our maintenance checks include thorough inspections of all components, ensuring they function correctly and efficiently.
  • Cleaning Services: Regular cleaning of filters, coils, and other parts helps maintain optimal air quality and system performance.
  • Repairs and Replacements: We provide timely repairs and replacements of any worn or damaged components to ensure continuous operation.

Benefits of Air Handling Units

Improved Air Quality AHUs play a critical role in improving indoor air quality by filtering and conditioning the air:

  • Filtration: AHUs remove dust, pollutants, and allergens from the air, creating a healthier environment.
  • Humidity Control: They help maintain optimal humidity levels, preventing issues related to excessive dryness or moisture.

Energy Efficiency Modern AHUs are designed to maximise energy efficiency, reducing operational costs:

  • Heat Recovery: Many AHUs incorporate heat recovery systems, which reclaim and reuse heat from exhaust air, reducing energy consumption.
  • Efficient Components: High-efficiency fans, motors, and control systems minimise energy use while maintaining excellent performance.

Enhanced Comfort AHUs ensure consistent and comfortable indoor environments by providing precise control over temperature and airflow:

  • Temperature Regulation: AHUs maintain stable temperatures, enhancing comfort for staff and customers.
  • Consistent Airflow: They ensure even distribution of conditioned air throughout the space, eliminating hot or cold spots.

Customisation and Flexibility Our AHU systems are designed to meet the specific needs of your space:

  • Scalability: AHUs can be scaled and customised to fit spaces of any size, from small kitchens to large commercial facilities.
  • Versatility: They can be integrated with other HVAC components and systems, providing a comprehensive air handling solution.

Quality Assurance

Advanced Technology We use the latest technology in our AHU systems to ensure maximum efficiency and reliability:

  • Modern Equipment: Our AHUs incorporate state-of-the-art components and control systems for optimal performance.
  • Smart Controls: Intelligent control systems allow for precise management of temperature, airflow, and energy use.

Expert Technicians Our team of expert technicians brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to every project:

  • Training and Certification: All our technicians are trained and certified in the latest AHU technologies and best practices.
  • Attention to Detail: We ensure meticulous attention to detail in every installation and maintenance task.

Ongoing Support We offer comprehensive support to keep your AHU system running at its best:

  • Customer Service: Our team is always available to answer your questions and provide assistance.
  • Maintenance Plans: We offer customised maintenance plans tailored to your specific needs, ensuring long-term reliability and performance.

Why Choose Imperial Green Systems?

Reliability and Expertise With years of experience, Imperial Green Systems is a trusted provider of AHU solutions. Our expertise ensures you receive the best possible service and results.

Comprehensive Services From design and installation to maintenance and support, we offer a full range of AHU services to meet all your needs.

Commitment to Quality We are dedicated to delivering high-quality AHU systems that enhance air quality, energy efficiency, and comfort.

Customer-Focused Approach We work closely with you to understand your needs and provide tailored solutions that exceed your expectations.