Maintenance Services


At Imperial Green Systems, we understand the importance of regular maintenance to ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your commercial kitchen systems. Our comprehensive maintenance services cover ventilation systems, control systems, and other essential equipment, helping you avoid costly repairs and downtime while maintaining a safe and efficient kitchen environment.

Our Maintenance Services

Ventilation System Maintenance Regular maintenance of your kitchen ventilation system is crucial for ensuring proper airflow, efficiency, and safety:

  • Scheduled Inspections: We conduct routine inspections to check for any signs of wear and tear, blockages, or other issues that could affect system performance.
  • Cleaning Services: Our team provides thorough cleaning of ductwork, filters, and exhaust hoods to prevent grease buildup and improve air quality.
  • Repairs and Replacements: We identify and repair any damaged components and replace parts as needed to ensure the system operates smoothly.
  • Performance Testing: We perform tests to verify that the ventilation system maintains optimal airflow and operates within safe parameters.

Control System Maintenance Maintaining your control systems is essential for ensuring reliable and efficient kitchen operations:

  • Routine Checkups: We perform regular checkups on control panels and automation systems to ensure all components function correctly.
  • Software Updates: Our team ensures that all control systems are up-to-date with the latest software, providing enhanced features and security.
  • Calibration: We calibrate sensors and control devices to maintain accurate monitoring and control of kitchen systems.
  • Troubleshooting: We quickly diagnose and fix any issues with your control systems to minimise disruption to your operations.

Fire Suppression System Maintenance Although you do not design fire suppression systems, maintaining their functionality is crucial:

  • Regular Inspections: We perform routine inspections of fire suppression systems to ensure all components are in good working order.
  • Agent Replenishment: We check and replenish suppression agents as needed to ensure they are ready to use in an emergency.
  • System Testing: We conduct tests to verify the functionality of sensors, activation mechanisms, and discharge systems.
  • Compliance Checks: Our maintenance services ensure that your fire suppression system remains compliant with all safety regulations.

PPE and Safety Equipment Maintenance Ensuring the effectiveness of personal protective equipment (PPE) and safety equipment is essential for maintaining a safe kitchen environment:

  • Inspection and Replacement: We regularly inspect PPE items and safety equipment, replacing any that are worn or damaged.
  • Functionality Testing: We test safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, emergency lighting, and first aid kits to ensure they are operational.
  • Maintenance Records: We maintain detailed records of all inspections, tests, and replacements to ensure compliance with safety standards.

Quality Assurance

Thorough Maintenance Protocols We follow comprehensive maintenance protocols to ensure thorough and effective upkeep of your kitchen systems:

  • Standardised Procedures: Our maintenance procedures adhere to industry standards and best practices, ensuring consistency and reliability.
  • Detailed Documentation: We provide detailed maintenance reports documenting all services performed, including any issues identified and actions taken.
  • Preventive Maintenance: Our approach focuses on preventive maintenance, addressing potential issues before they become major problems.

Experienced Technicians Our team of experienced technicians brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every maintenance project:

  • Training and Certification: All our technicians are trained and certified in the latest maintenance techniques and safety standards.
  • Attention to Detail: We pride ourselves on our meticulous approach, ensuring no detail is overlooked during maintenance.
  • Customer Support: Our team is always available to discuss maintenance findings, answer questions, and provide guidance on necessary improvements.

Why Choose Imperial Green Systems?

Reliability and Efficiency Our maintenance services are designed to provide reliable and efficient upkeep of your kitchen systems, ensuring they operate safely and effectively.

Comprehensive Coverage From ventilation and control systems to fire suppression and safety equipment, we offer a full range of maintenance services to meet all your needs.

Commitment to Safety We prioritise safety in all our maintenance procedures, helping you maintain a secure working environment for your staff and customers.

Expertise and Experience With years of industry experience, our team has the expertise to deliver thorough and effective maintenance services.