Imperial Green Systems Ltd acknowledges its environmental responsibilities, extending beyond mere compliance with legal and regulatory obligations. We are resolute in our commitment to diminish our environmental footprint and consistently elevate our environmental practices as an intrinsic component of our business strategy and operational approaches.


The implementation of this environmental policy is the responsibility of Jamie Handley, our Managing Director. However, every member of our team holds a role in their respective areas to ensure the fulfilment of the principles and objectives articulated in this policy.


We aspire to:

  • Adhere to all pertinent regulatory mandates.
  • Continuously enhance and monitor our environmental performance.
  • Persistently refine and lessen our environmental impacts.
  • Foster heightened awareness and competence among our employees through training.


We will:

  • Minimize paper usage within our office.
  • Seek to procure paper products that are recycled and recyclable.
  • Implement digital documentation processes to reduce reliance on paper.


We will strive to:

  • Reduce energy consumption to the utmost extent possible.
  • Responsibly power down lights and electrical equipment when not in operation.
  • Adjust heating systems with energy efficiency in mind.
  • Consider the energy consumption and efficiency of new products when making procurement decisions.
  • Install energy-efficient lighting and appliances.


We will:

  • Evaluate alternative methods of meeting our needs.
  • Explore the potential of renting or sharing equipment before purchasing.
  • Assess the environmental impact of any new products under consideration.
  • Prioritize the selection of environmentally friendly and efficient products whenever feasible.
  • Maximize reuse and recycling opportunities.


We will endeavour to:

  • Minimize the necessity for travel, reserving it for essential trips only.
  • Advocate the use of travel alternatives such as email or video/phone conferencing.
  • Encourage the use of public transportation, carpooling, and cycling for commuting.


We will:

  • Utilize cleaning materials that are environmentally friendly to the greatest extent possible.
  • Employ materials in office refurbishments that meet high environmental standards.
  • Contract only with licensed and environmentally responsible organizations for waste disposal.


We are dedicated to:

  • Conforming to all applicable regulatory demands.
  • Sustaining a perpetual enhancement of environmental performance.
  • Consistently refining and mitigating our environmental impacts.
  • Enhancing employee awareness through ongoing training.
  • Regularly reviewing this policy and associated business matters during monthly management meetings.
  • Setting measurable environmental targets and objectives, and reporting on our progress annually.


We will:

  • Periodically update this policy, at least annually, in consultation with staff and relevant stakeholders, as needed.
  • Engage staff in the execution of this policy to secure their commitment and enhance performance.
  • Provide staff with pertinent environmental training.
  • Give preference to local labour and materials where feasible, contributing to reduced CO2 emissions and community support.
  • Encourage a culture of sustainability and environmental responsibility within our organisation.


We will:

  • Communicate our environmental policy to clients, suppliers, and other stakeholders.
  • Collaborate with suppliers and contractors to enhance environmental performance across our supply chain.
  • Participate in community initiatives and support local environmental projects.